Vacuum leak detectors (instruments) Keywords

Helium spray guns leak detection systems leak detection services RGA residual gas analysis high vacuum engineering vacuum gauges vacuum components America ASIA PACIFIC Europe

Pfeiffer Vacuum leak detector Pfeiffer Vacuum (Shanghai) Co., Ltd -
- Unit B, 5th Floor, Building 3, YouYou Park, 428 Yanggao South Road,
Shanghai, 200127, China

email, Tel. +86 (0)21-33933940

Pfeiffer Vacuum is a vacuum technology world leader for more than 130 years: an important milestone was the invention of the turbopump in our company more than 50 years ago.
Our comprehensive range of solutions, products and services includes vacuum pumps, measurement and analysis equipment, up to complex vacuum systems.
products: Leak Detectors

Pfeiffer Vacuum leak detectors trace every leak. No leak is too small or too big to escape our leak detectors. It doesn't matter whether you are looking for water, oil, fuel, refrigerant, gas, steam, air or vacuum leaks. From miniature electronic units right up to large-volume vessels, from media escaping from vacuum systems to gases entering them - the uses for leak detectors are as broad as the range of industrial products. The extensive range of Pfeiffer Vacuum leak detectors provides the answer for all these requirements.

Agilent China Leak Detectors Agilent Technologies (China) Co. Ltd, Beijing Office -
- No.3, Wang Jing Bei Lu, Chao Yang District, Beijing, 100102, China

email:, Toll free: 800 820 3278, Tel. +86 (0)10 64397888

安捷伦真空部门,以前的瓦里安真空,是一个国际知名的真空设备供应商。可以提供真空泵、检漏仪、真空元件、真空附件等一系列的真空获得、真空控制和真空测量设备。上世纪50年代发明离子泵使人类第一次获得了超高真空开始,我们一直走在真空技术的最前沿,离子泵之后,我们对扩散泵和检漏技术做出了重大发展,在分子泵和干泵技术上做出了重要改进,直到最近,开发出了革命性的 TwisTorr FS分子泵和IDP系列干泵。
products: Leak detectors, 检漏仪
  • Agilent's range of leak detection solutions ensure the safety, security and consistent performance of research, vacuum, and industrial process systems.
  • HLD Leak Detectors are rugged, precise, and easy-to-use instruments that accurately and efficiently detect leaks in an array of industrial applications.
  • For clean research applications, HLD configurations employ clean, dry, quiet scroll vacuum pumps. Our leak detectors feature automated start-up and calibration for maximum productivity, built in application set-ups, and an array of accessories to make any leak detection process simple.



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