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Becker Korea Becker Korea Co., Ltd -
- 17-5 Dongsan-dong, Deokyang-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

email, Tel.
products: Rotary vane vacuum pumps

dooVAC dooVAC CO.,LTD. - www.doovac.com
- Gobongro 770 beongil 30-30, Ilsandonggu, Goyangsi, Gyeonggido, 10251, Korea

email, Tel. +82 31-944-6480

Headquarter & Paju Factory
products: Rotary vane vacuum pumps

Pfeiffer Vacuum Korea Pfeiffer Vacuum Korea Ltd -
- 7F, Hyundai Green Food, 30, Munin-ro, Suji-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-Do, 16827, Korea

email, Tel.

Pfeiffer Vacuum is a vacuum technology world leader for more than 130 years: an important milestone was the invention of the turbopump in our company more than 50 years ago.
Our comprehensive range of solutions, products and services includes vacuum pumps, measurement and analysis equipment, up to complex vacuum systems.
products: Rotary vane vacuum pumps

Rotary vane pumps have proven themselves for years in many applications. Coordinated accessories and the selection of ideal equipment make the Pfeiffer Vacuum rotary vane pumps usable for many processes.

Single-stage Rotary Vane Pumps: HenaLine, UnoLine Plus, Pascal
Two-stage Rotary Vane Pumps: PentaLine, DuoLine, Pascal

Wonchang Vacuum Wonchang Vacuum Co. Ltd. - www.wonvac.com
- 257-27 Yulmaro, Tongjineup, Kimpo city, 10038, Korea

email, Tel. +82-31-988-6166

We are a manufacturer of vacuum pumps since our establishment in 1982.
With over 35 year experiences in vacuum industry, we have been put our best efforts to produce high quality vacuum pumps and vacuum systems with diverse range of capacity to serve vacuum need in this industry.
products: Rotary vane vacuum pumps

WOVP: Oil Sealed Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump
WVS: Sliding Vane Dry Vacuum Pump
WBS: Sliding Vane Dry Combined Pump (Vacuum & Pressure)



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