Vakuum Schmierstoffe Suchwörter

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Mobil Vacuum Pump Oil Mobil Schmierstoffe GmbH -
- Argentinierstraße 23, 1040 Wien, Österreich

email, Tel. +43-(0)1- 50620
products: Mobil Vacuum Pump Oil
  • Mobil Vacuum Pump Oil 100 is recommended for the lubrication of vacuum pumps and is suitable for applications involving absolute pressures from 50 microns of mercury down to the highest vacua achieved by commercially available vacuum pumps.
  • Mobil Vacuum Pump Oil 100 is a premium lubricant, blended from specific high quality white oil with low volatility characteristics, for the lubrication of vacuum pumps.
  • Mobil Vacuum Pump Oil 100 has a high degree of chemical stability enabling it to resist oxidation and the subsequent formation of sludge and deposits, an essential characteristic in all cases where continuous service in involved. This enables the oil to retain its original properties such as viscosity and demulsibility and so prolong oil service life.
  • Water vapour is a common contaminant in vacuum systems and tends to condense in pumps, oils separators and reservoirs. Mobil Vacuum Pump Oil 100 has good demulsibility to separate readily from water. This aids water removal and prevents its return to metal surfaces to cause rust and corrosion.



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